This application will take you about 10 minutes to fill out.
Let's dive in!
First and Last Name
Phone Number
Tell me about your close relationships and family.
Please name and describe your business.
Please list all relevant social media handles.
What inspires you to keep going in business
Where do you find motivation and education for your business growth when you need it?
What is your average monthly income over the last 12 months?
What was your approximate gross income from the last calendar year?
What is your current year to date revenue?
How much money do you plan to make by the end of this calendar year?
How much money do you want to make for next year's calendar year?
What do you feel is missing in your life and/or business right now?
What specific challenges are you currently facing in your business?
Which answer resonates with you more?
I am not sure what I need to be doing to succeed.
I know what I need to do but I need assistance in getting it done.
Both apply to me.
Select all that apply when it comes to receiving accountability.
I need gentle reminders to get my stuff done.
I may only need a little bit of help because I am an action taker by nature.
I get in my head too much and that prevents me from taking action as much as I need to be doing.
I will really benefit from emotional support with a group.
I like firm guidance and am willing to invest in accountability that pushes me more than I push myself.
My biggest reason for wanting to join the Wake Up and Show Up Mastermind is
Do you understand that filling out an application do not mean you are accepted into the mastermind?
Do you have your personal call with Marci booked yet?
Yes, it's on the calendar.
Not yet, I will book it on the next page.
I already had my call and look forward to working together soon.